
Eric Trump speaks in Portsmouth, NH on Sept. 17, 2020. Eric Trump, son of President Donald Trump, makes a stop in Portsmouth during one stop on his ‘Make America Great Again!’ tour. Erin Clark | Boston Globe | Getty Images A lawyer for the New York attorney general’s office argued Wednesday that President Donald Trump‘s
As a provider of joint venture and general partner equity, real estate investment firm RanchHarbor has been seeing an influx lately of multifamily investment opportunities presented by sponsors as value-add. However, upon a closer look at the underwriting, these deals do not actually fit the typical value-add investment profile, says Adam Deermount, co-founder and managing director
With lockdowns and social distancing measures keeping people at home, tenants all across the US are having difficulty making their rent payments. Their requests for rent relief are starting to affect equity investors, according to a new report from Bryan Reid, executive director of MSCI Research, and Niel Harmse, senior associate, Global Real Estate Research.
Scott Heins | Getty Images News | Getty Images Mom-and-pop landlords are in a worse financial position relative to their higher-earning peers as unemployment remains elevated and Americans continue to struggle to pay rent, according to a new analysis. Roughly a third of individual landlords who own residential property are from low- to moderate-income households