Month: January 2020

President Trump told reporters that he would be interested in the United States purchasing Greenland. Here is why he would want to acquire a land that is plentiful in natural resources and also crippled by global warming. SOURCES AND FURTHER READING: No Joke: Trump Really Does Want To Buy Greenland Trump inquires about US
Nestor Eliadis, COO, CFO, The Instant Group CHICAGO—Global workspace consultant The Instant Group reports it has hired Nestor Eliadis as its Americas chief operating officer and chief financial officer. Eliadis most recently served at Walgreen Co. for nine years in the real estate and finance divisions. His appointment follows the October 2019 hiring of CEO
Is there money to be made flipping houses in rural areas? You dang right! This video will break down the opportunities and the pitfalls of investing in rural areas. Too often, real estate investors overlook deals far from a major metropolitan area and when they do, they are leaving a fortune on the table! Make